السبت، 16 أبريل 2011

Disadvantages of Medical Technology


   As we know that the medical technology is useful but are there disadvantages of it ? the answer is absolutely yes because it can avoid the communication between the doctor and his patient for example, doctor uses a computer to write the diagnose and analyses for patient without meeting the patient. it could make the patient feel anxiety when he see the devices which he has never seen it before in his life unlike the feeling which patient will have it when he see the doctor. also we can not find the medical technology in developing countries and that is because of it has not been so rapid in places which are poor or developing.

Some of modern equipments, and devices of Medical technology


   There are many modern equipments,  and devices  of Medical technology have been used in the life such as sonar ultrasound , medical prosthetic devices, laser treatment , sports medicine , and dentistry.The first device of Medical technology  is the Sonar ultrasound. It is a device which based on ultrasound to display a picture on screen look like  television. by it we can possibly see the fetus inside his mother’s womb and we can also know if the baby is male or female before he go outside from his mother’s womb. we can use the Sonar ultrasound to diagnose many diseases within and inside the human body. Now days we have two type of Sonar ultrasound such as the 3 dimensions sonar devices and 4 dimensions. the deference etween these two type is one of them is showing first stereoscopic images of the child in the womb and the other is showing video clips for the child. the second device of of  Medical technology is medical prosthetic devices. It is a new technology for disable people who has problem with his body but now days there is no surrender for missing some of body parts because there is a medical prosthetic devices in a hospital which disable people can compensates their missing parts of them body by artificial limb. It created as same as parts of human body to fit it with the lost one. The third one is laser treatment. It is a device which use laser for diagnose and treatment of patients. It helps doctors to perform surgery body easily and very fast unlike hand surgery. Laser treatment used to destroy the kidney stones, to know the fractures in the bones and certainly treatment it and it also used for surgery of the skin to make it better than before. The four one is Sports Medicine. As we know, a dangerous injury could be happened to players when they playing so, the solve of this situation is a Sports Medicine. It used for treatment the injured player inside the stadiums of various sports. It use sports modern equipment to make the treatment easy and quickly. The fifth equipment of Medical technology is Analysis which help doctors to know the detection of many diseases in early time by carful and exactly analysis. It used also to know the the basis of blood . the last device of medical technology is Dentistry.

الجمعة، 15 أبريل 2011

Medical Technology


   Medical technology is applications of medical science and it used in hospital, clinic and modern laboratory. it has many Functions in the hospital like; helps doctors to diagnose some diseases and monitors it , get the right medicine to the right patient and gives or interprets the results of laboratory tests in a hospital and show it to the doctor to make the work easier than before and also it treatment of patients easily, too . An in the other hand it use several devices such as automatic analyzers , electronic counters , spectrophotometers and microscopes and other deferent devices and equipment to treatment of patients softly , healthy and safety in same time. The equipments of Medical technology has accuracy and skill when its work. It is easy to use and to work with it because it created to help doctor and patients. It improves the healthcare and quality of it.